Dr. Sean Brooks Warning the School Board

Dr. Sean Brooks addresses the Talawanda School District Board meeting on August 16, 2021 with a huge warning about the unsafe COVID-19 Vaccines (Jabs) claiming that recipients of the vaccine will die due to a dramatic decrease in their immune system, antibody-dependent enhancement, and blood clotting. However, most likely due to Mass Formation Psychosis, none of the board members seemed to take him serious. He pleads with them telling them that they have 5 Months to 3-5 Years before having to shut down the school due to massive imminent deaths.

Carol Richards
August 25, 2021 at 3:35 pm

Dr. Sean Brooks is telling the world the truth about the virus, all vaccinated people are producing and spreading the COVID-19 virus. The shots do not protect you in fact they are designed to kill you especially the new booster shots. You will get blood clots, kill your fetuses, cancers, and much more. You won’t be able to donate your toxic blood produced by the COVID-19 shots. Let’s not kid ourselves the Global Powers to be, Big Tech, Military Industrial Cartel, Bilderbergs, Illuminati, NIH, FDA. etc. want the population on this globe eradicated, these shots are set up and designed to kill you. If you give it to your children, they will die or be sterilized; you will have no grandchildren, and our schools will have no pupils. The criminals like Gates, the Rockefellers, the Rothchilds, and all Nazis from WWII want you dead! So wake up, The unvaccinated people are not spreading this disease, only the vaccinated. Oh how the Global Elite want you dead, wake up, wear your mask and keep clear of the vaccinated, or you too will become infected and will die. Dr. Brooks is educated and he is trying to keep us alive.