Geoengineering Watch – Lies in the Sky with Dane Wigington
Dane is the lead researcher and administrator for the website, and is the executive producer for the groundbreaking climate engineering documentary, “The Dimming”.
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From geo-engineering to earthquakes: Dutchsinse being seriously shut down…again. Gov. Bureau-rats lack.
The level of evil behind all of this is beyond imagination. These people are the scum of the earth. You can bet that the top echelon of this evil group is probably not even human. They want most of us dead. They need to be rounded up and exterminated before they can finish us off. Only the people can do it and by sheer numbers we can overwhelm them. If we the people don’t take action we are finished and it will be just a matter of time. WAKE UP.
Does it seem probable that the Governors sign off on the 33 aka climate changers enabling the nefarious use of old school army planes to spray CAPTURED pollution from permanent structures? The aircraft are NOT PERMANENT STRUCTURES and ARE ALLOWED to emit the NOXIOUS CAPTURED PARTICULATES via Congressional LAWS. Research. I found it. The BOB administration created the laws for Congress to AGREE to and PASS. Remember the complaints from people in neighborhoods downwind from the old smoke stacks? So this is what BOB aka Barry OBama came up with. But how much do you want to bet that CHINA is shipping THEIR CAPTURED pollution particulates via shipping oceanic containers to the rest of the countries on the earth. But who is GETTING the KICKBACKS, the Governors? Obviously, the POLLUTION has been RENAMED “CLIMATE changers”. Yes, CHANGERS, not CHANGE. How difficult is it to research the law that allows this, not hard because I FOUND the EXACT LAW. Aluminum pots or pans are used by how many poor or ignorant people to COOK their food? So obviously aluminum is a heating source. People with education and knowledge use stainless steel pots and pans to cook their food. When do you plan to go visit a FACTORY or twenty and ASK THE CEO where the CAPTURED POLLUTANTS are being SHIPPED and WHAT ENTITY is DROPPING off the cargo shipping CONTAINERS? How come these questions seem so EASY to ASK but NOT ONE person from the 8 BILLION of people on the EARTH RIGHT NOW can do the gumshoe work. Reminds me of Killary ALWAYS PROMISING to FIX ISSUES. LIARS and DISTRACTERS. So when is he planning to sell a book and cash in on the “problem”?
Is Dane unaware of DEWs? That is what causes trees to burn from the inside (microwave) & for nearby cars to melt despite being excluded from fire-burned areas. We saw this at 9/11 near the WTC as well.