SGT Report: ACAPULCO is ANOTHER DEVASTATED WEF 15-MINUTE CITY interview with Daniel Fournier


“You will own nothing, and you will be happy”

A link to Daniel Fournier’s article “Elon Musk’s X Empire-building, a Trojan Horse to Rule us All” on Substack:

Chemtrailing has been going on non-stop in Oaxaca City for years. A few examples here:


I have no doubt these people can and have controlled the weather, but I would like to note that all coastal land in Acapulco is owned by the government as it was anyhow. There is a boundary of a certain distance from the waters edge that you are not allowed to buy. My parents seriously considered retiring in Acapulco and looked into buying property there 20 or 30 years ago. They found out at that time that all coastal property was off limits to anyone except businesses for tourism, which is all regulated by the state, I guess….. so destroying the coastal property in order to steal it from private owners probably doesn’t fit in this particular scenario.

BTW…. they do have retirement communities in Mexico just like they have in Florida. They even have health insurance available for the retirement…. Taxes are very cheap as well. The only reason my parents decided against retiring there was the cartels. The crime from cartels became too bad. 20 or 30 years ago Acapulco was a extremely safe area. We felt safe to walk the streets at night and travel around without any fear of crime… it was a beautiful, wonderful city and we absolutely loved it. Unfortunately, as the years went on, the crime became worse and worse, and many Americans or other visiting nationals were getting killed, abducted, or caught in the middle of cartel crime. It was a terrible shame what the cartels did to that beautiful city.

Was Gaza previously designated to be a 15 minute city? Notice Maui and Acapulco are idyllic, ocean-front spots. With a bit of disaster capitalism, Gaza could be as well. Is the idea to sell (the remnant of) humanity on herding voluntarily into the 15 minute pens by building showcases first as part of the sales pitch?

UK column mentioned that the plan for the invasion of migrants is about de-nationalising, de-progrmaing nationalist mentality from people. They hate the nation state. Something to do with one world government most likely. They want people to not care about national government.

Military age men crossing border. It is a stealth UN army. They couldn’t land on the beach with their blue helmets. Too obvious. I knew the DHS was up to no good when they bought a billion rounds of 5.56/.223. Maybe they want to confiscate AR-15s for all those rounds.

I’ve ran into many immigrants at the laundromat in my small Midwest town over the last year. All wearing brand new clothes & last week a group had a newer ford SVU. Glad I’m locked & loaded for what may come. We are also the county seat. Blessings to all in these uncertain times.

If we the ppl understood our constitution we would site Article 6, Clause 2 which makes all acts, laws, trade agreements and treaties subject to the constitution. At the point the government tries to enforce anything contrary, the local militia would be called on to repel those illegitimate acts. The problem now is the weapons you spoke of.

You know of Dutchsinse on YT Earthquake Forecaster, for years he has been successful in his forecast. He has been reporting of Starship Properties around the earth including in the U.S. which he discovered on google earth accidentally, found while zooming in on quakes live stream, then decided to research the planet for further lands in the Illuminate shapes and found several. Dutch also has video of the Canadian Wildfires showing they ALL started at the same time (heat detected) disclosed by the app he uses while looking at volcano heat signatures. Apparently his Internet has been shut down and just last week he made a video of his plans to future reporting on yt until then he will no longer make videos while he re-structures his whole website. USGS has always flagged his videos as Dutch continuously outs them for not reporting specific earthquakes & falsifying the size of the quake. I wonder if he hasn’t been contacted to work for the good guys as his knowledge seems to be of value. Previously he has had unwanted visitors (he lives in a gated community) investigating his skills which he shares right from his own home also serving as his “office”. Perhaps he stumbled upon things that have been kept secret for centuries. He has zoomed on many unknown (to us) military related locations while looking to see what surrounds the epicenter of a quake. High Voltage lines in the middle of nowhere leading to nowhere can suggest suspicion of maintained structures are hidden underground, the question is for who or for what. He made it point to say he or his wife were not suicidal (no children). As Always something funny somewhere.

It makes me wonder if the FLORIDA HURRICANE LAST YEAR THAT HIT PORT CHARLOTTE, PUNTA GORDA, FORT MYERS areas are also slated to be smart cities.

Yes, we are being invaded by millions of unvetted fighting aged men. Do you remember when Obama said that he wanted to create a private military force that was just as well funded and well trained as the military???? Did you forget about the billions of rounds of.40 caliber hollow point ammunition that he stockpiled? Very few people know of the huge amount of 5.56mm ammunition that was stockpiled at Crane Navy base during Obama’s reign. Do you remember seeing the video of huge piles of plastic coffins. Of course an invasion would be a lot easier if a huge segment of the population were already dead or incapacitated because they were coerced into taking a bio-weapon.

It’s a debt payment program utilizing the military and intelligence agencies. How else are the Rothschild’s going to get what they’re owed? By outright forfeiture of municipal buildings and vast tracts of land? They’re doing it the sneaky way.

Trump made everyone believe he was protecting us by leaving the WHO, but he gave GAVI double the money so he went through the back door to give the WHO their money …possibly or likely?

I really don’t intend to wax conspiratorial,
But what are the chances
That the only Category 5 Hurricane
To ever hit that region of Mexico,

And to also spin up
As quickly as it did,

Rapidly intensifying
from a Tropical Storm
To A Category 5 Hurricane
With a pinhole eye
In Less Than 24 hours,

And just so happened to have hit Acapulco,
The very location Max Igan
From here on Bitchute
Just so happened to decide to go
When he narrowly got a flight
At The Last Minute,
And just barely got out
of that tyrannical hellhole
That at one time was once known
As the Nation of Australia.

You can’t “vote” against war when the act of voting is defined by the UN as consent/agreement to their LAW OF WAR globalist tyranny “one world” UN government? By Voting, you are voting for war, no matter WHO you vote for:

at the 45:00 mark, it’s mentioned that XiBiden and gang have and are bring young foreign men into ussa, fighting age and capable men. Purpose is to “Balkanize” ussa.

Give this a thought…. is this the same big game plan that was/is used in the ME, Israel/Palestine in particular? This would be the ultimate of creating chaos and violent in order to bring about authoritarian tyrannic control, regardless of within our outside of borders.

Then I flashed to the dual citizenship name list of politicians and the photo chart of same – US<>Israel dual citizenship – ALL of those on the list are globalist.

How can we take our lives and gov’t back when they weaponize “justice” against us with lawfare? and every attorney is engage in this “legal identity” fraud? and they punish their victims for being victims? and there is no method to get lawful justice to these unlawful color of law legal fictionalisms?

The term we should be watching out for is “Communitarianism” under the UN with “public private partnerships” where the high level int’l dictatorship-empire UN contracts gov’t with corporations, thus bypassing nations and states. Fascism-Communism by another name. sick.

Take spiritual responsibility to STOP funding these globalist genocides & 1🌎gov, UN. IRS Taxes are voluntary for 98% of Americans. Find out the connection between the IRS and UN. & Solutions.
💰e18 – The “Taxpayer Money” Myth – Grace Commission Report💭⚔️ 🐉 (50m, fun and funny) and (HQ)

Evidence the war in Ukraine and Middle East war are scripted deep fakes.

🎶Why were the science stats manipulated? Why do they talk about the world depopulated!?🎶

‘Five Ways We Know Al Gore’s Been Running A Global Warming Racket’

If it’s really a hurricane or a cyclone and it’s spinning clockwise hundreds of miles an hour where Max Egan’s residence was a direct hit and the trees to the left side of his home should be facing away from the ocean should they be blown down or homes or whatever and to the right side should be knocked down towards the ocean. Do we have evidence of that? Of course Debra says it’s scalar weapons which are we are going to have have no effect against so give up ….and I have another theory it’s purely coincidental and it’s by nature but people just can’t accept the fact that nature still does exist and has more power than men…… Oh and by the way the Apple symbol is because if you cut an apple through the waist it is a pentagram it is a satanic symbol that is the real symbolism of Apple okay you’re expressing the easy teenage disco version