The Next Globalist PSYOP Has Been Launched: the Holy War to deceive Christians by Mike Adams.

9/11 was not done by Islamic terrorists. It was Israel!

According to other sources, the stats suggest most Americans do not support financing another war. People are sick and tired of the government waste and their money laundering, ect.

There will be no nukes . You’ll never see them. Fear is the game and thats all they have. Fear. Fearing the end escalation to nukes. What a fuqin chain on your brain. Lmfao. Lets see the nukes!! Bring em!! Not talking high dose TNT we’re talkin fission fussion nukes…. it’ll never happen but you’ll hear it and fear it a lot. An awful lot. Its bullshit.

Thank you, you saved me a whole bunch of truth saying. The only difference between a cult and a religion is that a cult has a guy going around influencing a bunch of people, but a religion is a bunch of people going around being influenced by a dead guy.

Why is it that one person that has delusions is called psychotic, but a group of people with delusions is called a religion?

Christians have been deceiving the world for 2000 years and in the process they have changed their story 14,800 times from the Sinai Bible of the 4th century to the King James version.

Christians are already deceived. They wear a cross around their neck and worship a dead white guy hanging on that cross. Not to mention going to church or Calling on the name “Jesus”.