Dr. Shiva Exposes Zionism – Part 1

U.S. Presidential candidate Dr. Shiva on Zionism Supremacy and Israel’s ongoing GENOCIDE against Palestinians.

To learn more, visit: https://shiva4president.com/



Nice interview. It’s refreshing that someone critcizes the Zionist Neocons. Most Americans are nowadays just NPCs. Sad.

Pfizer and American Big Pharma also crippled the people of Israel with the gene therapy aka “the vaccine”. And now the people of Israel are suffering the horrific side-effects, too. This also means the people of Israel and everybody else who took “the vaccine” is now genetically altered, is now closer biologically related to “viruses” than the people who didn’t take the death shot. The gene therapy changed the RNA and also the DNA of many cells within the human body in order to reproduce “spike proteins” and not human cells. Viruses (in case they exist) also produce “spike proteins”.

Some people might even argue that “the vaccine” destroyed the remains of the Jewish gene pool by altering it. In my opinion “the Joos” of today even aren’t in a relevant manner genetically related to the people of king David anyway. They are fake Jews. The original Jews described in the bible don’t exist anymore.
Not the fake Jews are the problem. The problem is Judaism which makes the fake Jews believe they are somehow “chosen ones”. Of course they aren’t.

Quotes from Maurice Samuel’s 1924 Jewish Supremacist Book “You Gentiles”

You Gentiles by Maurice Samuel: “We Jews, the Destroyers, Will Remain the Destroyers For Ever.”
You Gentiles by Maurice Samuel Audiobook

Dr Shiva’s uncensored opinions are right on the money, whether people believe him or not! I do wonder, however, if he’s qualified to be President having been born in India? I believe a legal immigrant though, shouldn’t be penalized. Dual citizenship should be the issue, not where a person was born. So many in government have dual citizenship, which is definitely a conflict of American interest. Not so much their place of birth if they’ve become a legal America citizen. So I don’t believe that SHOULD be an issue for Dr Shiva, but it IS the law now, as I understand it.

The law, the actual law, the us constitution article 2 disqualifies Shiva for that office, of course that did not stop bary….

You don’t live in a democracy. You live in “our democracy”. Your vote doesn’t matter that much. The oligarchy in Washington selects the people who are put into positions of power. Not you. Therefore it is in reality utterly unimportant if a politician is borne in the USA or not.
You are just allowed nowadays to vote for one Zionist Neocon or the other Zionist Neocon. The result is the same. And since a politician doesn’t obey the U.S. oligarchy and decides to implement other policies, such impertinent decisions are vetoed. This could be observed very well during Trump’s presidency.

Your WRONG. Zionism is the POLITICAL ARM of Judaism. There would be no Zionism without JUDAISM. That is where it stems from. This whole thing is based upon beliefs. Their religious beliefs. And you are just going to have to research it to understand it. Look into Theodore Hertzel, the founder of Zionism, Jacob Frank, Sabbatai Zevi and all the prime ministers of Israel and look at quotes by them, and actions that they have taken against the whole world. This whole new world order, Jew world order is based on their religious war to kill, subdue and enslave the Goyim. And their whole premise relies upon the “Jacob and Esau” story in the bible. They want to destroy esau, their “brother”. So that THEY will “inherit” the earth. Who Is The “Amalek” Jews Seek To Destroy?

Indeed. Judaism is the problem. Zionism is just the political agenda of Judaism.
Judaism is a bronze age cult with a bizarre and quite frankly infantile and barbaric worldview. Many Christians nowadays don’t understand that Jesus criticized the old ways, criticized Judaism. The old testament is just part of the Christian scriptures in order to understand what Jesus criticized.
Judaism is the problem and not the Jews.

Satanyahu says he is on a mission from God to exterminate the Palestinians even the suckling babies.The stain of Palestinian blood will be on all countries that do nothing to stop the genocide of Palestinians. The Israhell genocide of the Palestinians has been going on for decades but now it is being exposed for the world to see. The world should at least build Holocaust Memorial Museums commemorating the slaughter of Palestinians committed in Gaza.