BOMBSHELL intelligence analysis: Israel ordered STAND DOWN to allow Hamas to attack – Jeffrey Prather and Mike Adams
The moment this news came out I took a deep breath and stood back and analyzed instead of just jumping on board with the majority..1st of all Israel being surprised by the paragliders..REALLY??..a country who has surveillance galore??!!..please don’t insult my intelligence..the baby slaughter?? me PROOF..people need to wake up and THINK ..what I do think is this is just another business deal to milk us ,WE THE PEOPLE, of more $$
General Flynn is another Satanista who made a Christian congregation where he was speaking stand and pray to the SEVEN-FOLD RAY of Elizabeth Clare Prophet Gnostic Satanista Lite Operation Chaos iteration. EVERYBODY HAS BEEN INFILTRATED AND OVERTHROWN FROM THE INSIDE OUT PER CONSTANCE CUMBEY, LAWYER-NEW AGE RESEARCHER! Here’s fake Fatima tranny nun voiding “only way to peace.”
SUPER DUPER “Great Deception” of the Bible is so good if it were possible–which it is not–even the Elect would be fooled by the “Elite” royal Semite inbreds WHO HATE JEWS, CATHOLICS, AFRICANS, the latter as being first nation to convert under the Queen of Sheba. Miles W. Mathis tracks the inbred “Phoenician Navy” Semites ruling the world for millennia.
S.E.R.C.O. City-of-London square mile of Satanism runs USA for Semite “Crown.” See: DAVID HAWKINS on BitChute. ALL USA MILITARY AND PATENT OFFICE AND FED PRISONS RUN BY S.E.R.C.O. & MORE! ALL ENGLISH-SPEAKING NATIONS & PROTECTORATES RUN BY S.E.R.C.O. MONEY-LOVERS! There is no USA just a colony of the Seed of Satan Jew-haters and woman-haters. Woman & Seed of Genesis 3:15 appointed enemies of Satan & Minions.
Hamas, was created and funded by Mossad, George Soros (funded), CIA and MI6. Senator Ron Paul, exposed this fact years ago. This was all staged by Zionist Israel, only a complete fool can not see it. Natanyuhu, is a total mass-murdering psychopathic war criminal owned and controlled by Globalists far above him. There is BILLIONS of dollars in Natural Gas reserves under Palestine, and just off-shore that the KHAZAR criminals want to steal, but all the people living in Palestine must be murdered first, in-addition, Israel is behind the war in Ukraine, and the KHAZAR pervert Zelensky needs Billions from Zionist owned and controlled US fraudulent government to continue to STEAL Ukraine for what he refers to as: ’ BIG ISRAEL’, and Natanyuhu, needs to stay out of prison for all his corruption in Israel. 60% of Israel wants this monster locked-up. You will never hear any of this in the Zionst KHAZAR owned lying media.
Netanyahu and his Zionist criminal are not only complicit in war crimes and genocide against Palestinians but also against their own Israeli citizens. This will cause quite the blowback when Israelis discover the ugly truths. Cold blooded killers…Hamas gets the bulk of the blame when Zionist Israel is responsible for it all.
Iran warns ‘things will get out of control’ if Israeli genocide in Gaza continuesSunday, 22 October 2023 2:58 PM [ Last Update: Sunday, 22 October 2023 3:03 PM ]
It is NOT one country against another.
It is always all the Governments conspiring against all the people.
Do NOT identify with your country or your Government.
Identify as one of “We the people”, then you will see clearly what is happening.
The comparison to “NAZI” that you attempt to make but in reality history has made many corrections based on science and historical evidence.
Germany had work camps for suspected traitors just like the US had camps for Japanese. The rest was wartime propaganda.
A better comparison would be to the Bolshevik Communist Regime that violently overthrew the Russian Monarchy in 1917. That was the “Juuish” ( Israeli) over throw revolution or imperialism that triggered WWII and caused a reaction by Germany. Millions and millions of East European Christians were starved and murdered by mass murderer Stalin in the Holodomor!!! FDR & Churchill sided with a known Communist Bolshevik mass murderer. Know the Truth and the Truth Will set you free.
Justice for 🇩🇪 and 🇵🇸