Mel K & Charlie Ward Discuss George Soros

The problem in America is that they’re trying to form a race war and they’re trying to normalize making criminals and all of these are these rioters and looters their normalizing it at the same time you can see the media is trying to normalize pedophilia, and we had last week and viral video from the G-Man at Dominion Old Dominion putting out a minor attracted people shouldn’t be discriminated against we have Colorado saying the term sex offender won’t be used anymore cuz it offends sex offenders report sexual predators teachers that are committing pedophilia or a predators to Children this is all by Design to really distract everyone from these cases and I usually Maxwell case we got to fight in our in our level of media and then the media the real medium my opinion to make sure that the truth is out there and is exposed because the way that they’re setting it up the disgusting mainstream media Mockingbird media and America is as if you know this isn’t real like all of this stuff is upside down and it’s funny you let me can I can I screen share on here where she can eating in the election out regardless of you if you voted for Trump or not which I hope you regret it if you didn’t by now but I do have to say the real problem is is the down-ballot the the sheriff the judge has the District Attorney’s the because the problem is a very evil man that I’ve been yelling from the Rooftops by George Soros Finance almost all of these. Days and and prosecutors and judges all over the country that are allowing our cities to be burnt to the ground that are behind defend the police no bail you know no consequences and I wanted people to know about about this because there’s something important here is not to be defended his ngos have created more damage around this planet than then is it’s unbelievable how much he’s gotten away with but as you can see right here in 2014 he planned the whole Black Lives Matter and Antifa he funds at all and he put in all these Rogue AG’s DA’s all these people that are allowing America to be destroyed from the inside out and as you can see here he says I’m going to bring down the United States by funding black hate groups will put them in mental trap and make them blame white people the black community is the easiest to manipulate he said this in an interview in 2014 and people don’t understand at this point that our country has been hijacked and that all the demonic stuff going on and all of our country all of our all of our countries but certainly in America is financed by this person who was also runs basically the Democratic party was Rockefellers right hand man with Kissinger and quite frankly hates America hates Americans but worst of all he’s using the black community he’s financing it and I we got to wake up we got to wake up the American people have to realize united we stand divided we fall is so important now more than ever but as far as Lindell’s case which is Rock Solid sand all of that has a man that sees these people don’t understand the Supreme Court hasn’t even looked at the evidence they’ve been refusing to do it all these people say it’s the book tour trunks false claim of election brunch they haven’t looked at it while the Supreme Court of the United States we the people pay for their careers and their and their salaries for life and they should not be serving the politics or you know whatever they are leaning towards especially all the Obama pics are they should be serving we the people in the Constitution of the United States and any cheating should have been enough so I we the people have to really start stepping up and demanding that the Supreme Court do their job which is be the law of the land and there was extreme cheating and most of the cheating was financed by that man Soros and his lackeys Zuckerberg Rockefellers get so you know I have hope that all of these things will collide at once you know you and I always said we thought all three the Maxwell Epstein which Epstein Boomerang his gigantic it connects to the Wuhan lab is the next transhumanism great reset it connects to Bill Gates harvard-mit the entire black male ring that here and also don’t forget he was a prolific The booster you’re going to be better off he actually said yes Nothing demanding that the Supreme Court do their job which is be the law of the land and there was extreme cheating and most of the cheating was financed by that man Soros and his lackeys Rockefeller so you know I I have hope that all of these things will collide at once you know you and I always said we thought all three the Maxwell Epstein which Epstein Boomerang is gigantic it connects to the Wuhan lab is the next transhumanism great reset it connects to Bill Gates Harvard MIT the entire black male ring that here and also don’t forget he was a prolific writer for the Billionaire’s of their of their money to avoid taxes for decades his story is is incredibly insane and and connects a lot of. We got Durham which I believe is leading straight to Hillary and Obama and then worst of all I mean can you even imagine the at dr. fauci is still out there babbling about you get a booster going to be better off he actually said yesterday Peter Navarro and and RFK and all of them are killing people I mean he actually said this when they’re trying to save people doctor at these are all the people that actually are heroes and you know he’s still out there telling people to get the booster by 10 incredible interview with Dr Zee anything that comes out of patchi’s mouth and people served understand fauci has been in bed with Bill Gates and his father for a very long time I have a picture of him getting an award next to Bill Gates’s dad who create event Planned Parenthood with Margaret Sanger to get rid of the black race you know I don’t understand how people are in a good place right now cuz I don’t bust down and get my things on hold it none of these companies for low Arias and with all these defense contractors Rumsfeld to end and Cheney Carlyle Group Bush but if you look into what they really did it was a lot of money laundering and I had a lot to do with the fence contracts with it with the Indian Nation us that they of course took advantage of and you see they still in America the Indian reservations are very 4 there at there and there’s a huge drug and alcohol problems a very small group of those people have money with their casinos and stuff but they really use them and it was them it was this group and you know a lot of this is being exposed but I think it much bigger than ever now The Rittenhouse case like you said anyone watching that with a fairmined understood that he never should have been charged and that is straight-up self-defense and then I saw papers even in an England saying that he killed black people there was no black element to are you funds antifa you decided that his mission in life was to destroy America from inside out and even up to this last two years if you mentioned Soros you got hit with your aunt isn’t Jewish he hates God he hates you and let you know it’s about time that people call him out and then get some traction on it because you know it’s not just our country and don’t forget Lord Mullick Brown his right-hand man is the voting machine Overlord you know I just think all all the countries are waking up it’s very disturbing what’s going on in Australia you know the Caps temporarily Australia and the UK is starting to wake up very very quickly and and these people are now absolutely petrified very interesting conversation I had with me Schofield in yesterday she’s been channeling what’s going to happen in the in the near future and they’re all four events to happen before the public become fully aware the first one is already started the shoreline metro court case was for Marcus the fourth one is the the Queen the announcement the Queen’s death she confirmed that the queen died in 2018 but her official death will be probably March or April of 2022.